April 26, 2024: Lady’s Island Marina

0650: Outside temp 53 degrees, Water 74.3 degrees, Humidity 87%, Cloud cover 80%, Dew point 49%, Wind NE @ 10 mph. WOBSSRs done. Belt tightened. Thru hull open.

We showered and waited for slack tide. At 0900 Tony came by and helped us with lines as we backed out into the channel. The wind helped by blowing us away from the dock.

It was a little sporty on Port Royal Sound
It’s always sad to see a sunken boat.
1500: We pulled up to the dock with the current on our nose and Kimberly, the dock master, helped us tie down and hook up the electrical.
We used 6.5 gallons of fuel.

We had a quick lunch and signed up to use the courtesy truck so we could pick up fresh produce and a few other provisions at Publix.